Rick Hook Volunteer Award

In light of his passing and remembering his name, passion and dedication to the sport of cutting, the BCCHA is asking for donations for the Rick Hook Volunteer Award.
Each year the BCCHA board of directors will dedicate an award to a volunteer member of the BCCHA in Rick Hooks name.
Rick was known as a Non Pro friendly trainer. He made us all feel great with his positive words of encouragement. He was an active member and volunteer to the BCCHA over his lifetime and will forever be remembered.
2023 Recipient:
Deborah Anderson
In memory of Rick Hook and his outstanding contribution to the BCCHA we are recognizing a member of the BCCHA for their dedication to our association and the sport of cutting each year.
Deborah Anderson played a massive part in making the 2023 BCCHA show season a huge success and Betty Manuel, Rick’s wife, was here to present the first ever Rick Hook Volunteer NCHA bronze to her.
Deb is currently hauling for the worlds and wasn’t able to attend; accepting the award on her behalf is Dale Jarvis.